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Browse Books in Polar Regions

The Polar Adventures of a Rich American Dame

A Life of Louise Arner Boyd

by (author) Joanna Kafarowski

Sir John Franklin's Erebus and Terror Expedition

Lost and Found

by (author) Gillian Hutchinson

Two Years Below the Horn

Operation Tabarin, Field Science, and Antarctic Sovereignty, 1944-1946

by (author) Andrew Taylor
edited by Daniel Heidt & Whitney Lackenbauer

Arctic Landscapes and Traditions 3-Book Bundle

Ukkusiksalik / Uvajuq / Thelon

by (author) David F. Pelly

Ice Blink

Navigating Northern Environmental History

edited by Stephen Bocking & Brad Martin
contributions by Tina Adcock, Emelie Cameron, Hans M. Carlson, Marionne Cronin, Matthew Farish, Arn Keeling, P. Whitney Lackenbauer, Tina Loo, Paul Nadasdy, Jonathan Peyton, Liza Piper, John Sandlos & Andrew Stuhl

Imagining the Supernatural North

edited by Eleanor Rosamund Barraclough, Danielle Marie Cudmore & Stefan Donecker


The Chief Scientist's Recollections of the American North Pole Expedition, 1871-73

original author Emil Bessels
edited and translated by William Barr

Lines in the Ice

Exploring the Roof of the World

by (author) Philip Hatfield & Philip J. Hatfield

The Oxford Handbook of the Prehistoric Arctic

edited by T. Max Friesen & Owen K. Mason

Baffin Island

Field Research and High Arctic Adventure, 1961-67

by (author) Jack D. Ives


The People's Story

by (author) David F. Pelly

Lock, Stock, and Icebergs

A History of Canada’s Arctic Maritime Sovereignty

by (author) Adam Lajeunesse

Made in Nunavut

An Experiment in Decentralized Government

by (author) Jack Hicks & Graham White

In Those Days: Arctic Crime and Punishment

Arctic Crime and Punishment

by (author) Kenn Harper

In Those Days: Arctic Crime and Punishment

by (author) Kenn Harper

Life Among the Qallunaat

by (author) Mini Aodla Freeman
edited by Keavy Martin & Julie Rak

A Historical and Legal Study of Sovereignty in the Canadian North

Terrestrial Sovereignty, 1870-1939

by (author) Gordon W. Smith
edited by P. Whitney Lackenbauer
foreword by Tom and Nell Smith

John Rae's Arctic Correspondence, 1844-1855

by (author) John Rae
foreword by Ken McGoogan

Polar Winds

A Century of Flying the North

by (author) Danielle Metcalfe-Chenail

The Dundurn Arctic Culture and Sovereignty Library

Pike's Portage/Death Wins in the Arctic/Arctic Naturalist/Arctic Obsession/Arctic Twilight/Arctic Front/Canoeing North Into the Unknown/Arctic Revolution/In the Shadow of the Pole/Voices From the Odeyak

by (author) Michael Posluns, Bruce W. Hodgins, S.L. Osborne, Kerry Karram, Ken S. Coates, P. Whitney Lackenbauer, William R. Morrion, Greg Poelzer, Anthony Dalton, Alexis S. Troubetzkoy, John David Hamilton & Claudia Coutu Radmore
edited by Morten Asfeldt & Bob Henderson
foreword by Pete Seeger

Qikiqtani Truth Commission: Community Histories 1950-1975

Community Histories 1950-1975

by (author) Qikiqtani Inuit Association

Qikiqtani Truth Commission

Thematic Reports and Special Studies 1950-1975

by (author) Qikiqtani Inuit Association

Perdu sous la banquise

L'histoire du HMS Investigator

by (author) Andrew Cohen
translated by Dominique Fortier

Perdu sous la banquise

Parcs Canada découvre le HMS Investigator

by (author) Andrew Cohen
translated by Dominique Fortier

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