Browse Books in Europe
The Valley of Vision
Blake as Prophet and Revolutionary
The Conflict of European and Eastern Algonkian Cultures, 1504-1700
A Study in Canadian Civilization, Second Edition
The World of Dante
Six Studies in Language and Thought
The Career of Arthur Hamilton Gordon
First Lord Stanmore 1829-1912
Saints in Politics
The 'Clapham Sect' and the Growth of Freedom
Round About Industrial Britain, 1830-1860
The Colonial Office and Canada 1867-1887
English Merchant Shipping 1460-1540
A Study in Parallels
Coastal Demes of Attika
A Study of the Policy of Kleisthenes
The Idea of Art as Propaganda in France, 1750-1799
A Study in the History of Ideas
Tsardom of Sufficiency, Empire of Norms
Statistics, Land Allotments, and Agrarian Reform in Russia, 1700-1921
Mistress of Everything
Queen Victoria in Indigenous Worlds
Historical Atlas of Central Europe
Third Revised and Expanded Edition
Devastation and Laughter
Satire, Power, and Culture in the Early Soviet State (1920s-1930s)
April in Paris
Theatricality, Modernism, and Politics at the 1925 Art Deco Expo
Good Governance Gone Bad
How Nordic Adaptability Leads to Excess
Canada and the First World War, Second Edition
Essays in Honour of Robert Craig Brown
Last Judgment Iconography in the Carpathians
Safe Haven
The Wartime Letters of Ben Barman and Margaret Penrose, 1940-1943
A Chance to Fight Hitler
A Canadian Volunteer in the Spanish Civil War
In the Name of Humanity
The Secret Deal to End the Holocaust
Europe in the Shadow of the Beast
Europe in the Shadow of the Beast