Browse Books in Post-confederation (1867-)

Six Crucial Decades

Canadian Travellers in Europe, 1851-1900

Indian Education in Canada, Volume 2
The Challenge

Planting the Garden
An Annotated Archival Bibliography of the History of Women in Manitoba

Inside the Atlantic Triangle
Canada and the Entrance of Newfoundland into Confederation 1939-1949

Inside the Atlantic Triangle
Canada and the Entrance of Newfoundland into Confederation 1939-1949

The Imperial Canadian
1885 and After: Native Society in Transition
The 1870s and the End of the Old West
Silver Harvest
The Fundy Weirmens Story

The Making of a Peacemonger
The Memoirs of George Ignatieff

Canada and the Birth of Israel
A Study in Canadian Foreign Policy

The Making of a Peacemonger
The Memoirs of George Ignatieff

Canada and the Birth of Israel
A Study in Canadian Foreign Policy

A Farm in the Family
The Many Faces of Ontario Agriculture over the Centuries

Prelude to Quebec's Quiet Revolution
Liberalism versus Neo-Nationalism, 1945-1960

Fragments of War
Stories from Survivors of World War II

Un médecin de campagne au XXe siècle

Prairie Spirit
Perspectives on the Heritage of the United Church of Canada in the West

The Fighting Days

Surrealism and Quebec Literature
History of a Cultural Revolution

Surrealism and Quebec Literature
History of a Cultural Revolution

Canada and the Age of Conflict
Volume 1: 1867-1921

Mechanical Engineering at the National Research Council of Canada