Browse Books in Post-confederation (1867-)

Ryan's Commander


The Rockies of Canada
A Revised & Enlarged Edition of Camping in the Canadian Rockies

Who Killed Jackie Bates?

Shattered City 3rd Edition
The Halifax Explosion and the Road to Recovery

Voices Raised in Protest
Defending North American Citizens of Japanese Ancestry, 1942-49

New Histories for Old
Changing Perspectives on Canada’s Native Pasts

Working Girls in the West
Representations of Wage-Earning Women

Creating Postwar Canada
Community, Diversity, and Dissent, 1945-75

Kiumajut (Talking Back)
Game Management and Inuit Rights, 1900-70

Hiroshima Immigrants in Canada, 1891-1941

Armies of Peace
Canada and the UNRRA Years

View From the Murney Tower
Salem Bland, the Late-Victorian Controversies, and the Search for a New Christianity, Volume 1

Vanished Villages of Elgin

Banff: Canada's First National Park

Montreal Olympics
An Insider's View of Organizing a Self-financing Games

The Montreal Olympics
An Insider's View of Organizing a Self-financing Games

Someone to Teach Them
York and the Great University Explosion, 1960 -1973

Canadian Content
Culture and the Quest for Nationhood

Innovation, Science, Environment 08/09
Canadian Policies and Performance, 2008-2009

This Island in Time
Remarkable Tales from Montreal's Past

Ain't it Hell
Bill Peyto's Mountain Journal

Heart of the Cariboo-Chilcotin