Browse Books in General
The Farmers in Politics
The Distemper of our Times
Ocean of Destiny
A Concise History of the North Pacific, 1500-1978
A Practical Guide to Canadian Political Economy
Quebec in Question
Big Timber Big Men
A History of Loggers in a New Land
Old Wooden Buildings
Emily Carr
The Untold Story
Mining in BC
The History of Mining in British Columbia
An Illustrated History
An Unauthorized History of the RCMP
A Practical Guide to Canadian Political Economy
What Does Quebec Want?
Sport under Communism
The USSR, Czechoslovakia, The GDR, China, Cuba
The Canadian Economy and Disarmament
Index for the Urban History Review 1972-1977 / Index pour la revue d’histoire urbaine 1972-1977
Approaches to native history in Canada
Papers of a conference held at the National Museum of Man, October 1975
Fort Timiskaming and the Fur Trade
The River Barons
Montreal businessmen and the growth of industry and transportation 1837-53
Without Our Past?
A Handbook for the Preservation of Canada's Architectural Heritage
The Canoe and White Water
From Essential to Sport
The Aquatic Explorers
A History of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada
Timothy Warren Anglin, 1822-96
Irish Catholic Canadian
Symbols of Sovereignty