Browse Books in General
Greenland Mummies
The Ojibwa of Southern Ontario
A Country So Interesting
The Hudson's Bay Company and Two Centuries of Mapping, 1670-1870
In His Name
The Anglican Experience in Upper Canada, 1791-1854
Royal Observations
Canadians and Royalty
Coastal Villages
Studies in Maritime Literary History 1760-1930
Pioneering Aviation in the West
As told by the pioneers
The Diary of André Laurendeau
Written during the Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism 1964-67
Surveying the Canadian Pacific
Memoir of a Railroad Pioneer
The Unmaking of Canada
The Hidden Theme in Canadian History since 1945
Quebec Since 1930
Justice in Our Time
The Japanese Canadian Redress Settlement
Quotations For A Nation
The Little Book of Canada
Alex Lord's British Columbia
Recollections of a Rural School Inspector, 1915-1936
To Serve Canada
A History of the Royal Military College of Canada
Man in the Ivory Tower
F. Cyril James of McGill
Hudson Bay Watershed
A Photographic Memoir of the Ojibway, Cree, and Oji-Cree
Policing a Pioneer Province
The BC Provincial Police 1858-1950
Raincoast Chronicles 13
Administering Danger in the Workplace
The Law and Politics of Occupational Health and Safety Regulation in Ontario 1850-1914
Patrons, Clients, Brokers
Ontario Society and Politics, 1791-1896
Irish Emigration and Canadian Settlement
Patterns, Links, and Letters