Browse Books in Canada

Child Letters
Public and Private Life in a Canadian Merchant-Politician's Family, 1841-1845

A Deep Sense of Wrong
The Treason, Trials and Transportation to New South Wales of Lower Canadian Rebels After the 1838 Rebellion

A Deep Sense of Wrong
The Treason, Trials and Transportation to New South Wales of Lower Canadian Rebels

Ninety Fathoms Down
Canadian Stories of the Great Lakes

Henry John Cody
An Outstanding Life

The Limits of Affluence
Welfare in Ontario, 1920-1970
Catalysts & Watchdogs

God's Little Ships
A History of the Columbia Coast Mission
Britain and the Origins of Canadian Confederation, 1837-67

The Birthplace of New Scotland
An Illustrated History of Pictou County, Canada's Cradle of Industry

The Bloc

Ketchum's Folly

Harlequin in Hogtown
George Luscombe and Toronto Workshop Productions

Yukon Gold
High Hopes and dashed Dreams

Acadians of Nova Scotia

From cod to crab
Stories and history of Hant's Harbour

Potheads and Drumhoops : A Folk History of New Harbour Trinity Bay (signed)
A Folk History of New Harbour

Labour and Working Class History in Atlantic Canada
A Reader

All Possible Worlds
Utopian Experiments in British Columbia

Spirit wrestlers
Centennial papers in honour of Canada's Doukhobor heritage

O Little Town
Remembering Life in a Prairie Village

Myth, Symbol, and Colonial Encounter
British and Mi'kmaq in Acadia, 1700-1867

Raincoast Chronicles 16
Time & Tide: A History of Telegraph Cove

Breaking 100
A Celebration of Women's Golf 1894-1994