Browse Books in Canada

Illustrated History of Nova Scotia

D'une Rive A L'autre: L'histoire Du Pont De La Confederation

St Margaret's Bay

Public Men and Virtuous Women
The Gendered Languages of Religion and Politics in Upper Canada, 1791-1850

No Faster than a Walk
The Covered Bridges of New Brunswick

Our Lives: Canada after 1945
Second Edition




Revolution at Queen's Park
Essays on Governing Ontario

Remembering Diana
The Royal Visit to Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island

Chilcotin Diary
Fourty Years of Adventure

The First Nova Scotian
The Story of Sir William Alexander and his Lost Colony of Charlesfort

Historic Yarmouth

Kings Landing
A Living History Colourguide

Our Lives: Canada after 1945
First Edition

The Emergence of Social Security in Canada
Third Edition

The Myth of the Savage and the Beginnings of French Colonialism in the Americas

Life and times
Recollections of Eliza Cox Carter

Le Deuil d'un pays imaginé
Rêves, luttes et déroute du Canada français

Vancouver at the Dawn
A Turn-Of-The Century Portrait

The Rise of Police Institutions in Britain, the Commonwealth and the United States