Browse Books in Canada

Irene Avaalaaqiaq
Myth and Reality

My Country
The Remarkable Past

Renegade Lawyer
The Life of J.L. Cohen

Historic Sackville
Lafontaine Baldwin Lectures

Alberta History Along the Highway

The Impact of the Whiskey Trade on the Blackfoot Nation

Hidden Canada
An Intimate Travelogue

Reaching North
A Celebration of the Subarctic

A History of the Falls

Myth of the Sacred
The Charter, the Courts, and the Politics of the Constitution in Canada

The Promised Land
Settling the West 1896-1914

From Bourassa to Bourassa
Wilderness to Restoration

A History of Newfoundland

Smith and Other Events
Tales of the Chilcotin

Facing History
Portraits from Vancouver

Lord Strathcona
A Biography of Donald Alexander Smith

Kate Rice

Colossal Canadian Failures
A Short History of Things that Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time

A Toronto Album 2
More Glimpses of the City That Was

Nation Builders
Barnardo Children in Canada

Dangerous Waters
Wrecks and Rescues off the BC Coast

Peeking through the Keyhole
The Evolution of North American Homes

From Bourassa to Bourassa
Wilderness to Restoration, Second Edition