Browse Books in Canada

History of the Book in Canada
Volume 2: 1840-1918

Alberta Remembers
Recalling Our Rural Roots

Permeable Border
The Great Lakes Basin as Transnational Region, 1650-1990

The Literary Origins of British Columbia, Volume 2

Raincoast Chronicles Fourth Five

The Wild Frontier
More Tales from the Remarkable Past
Curse Of The Narrows

New England and the Maritime Provinces
Connections and Comparisons

A New Westminster Album
Glimpses of the City As It Was

Double Trap
The Last Public Hanging in Canada

Ships of Wood and Men of Iron
A Norewegian-Canadian Saga of Exploration in the High Arctic

Ships of Wood and Men of Iron
A Norwegian-Canadian Saga of Exploration in the High Arctic

The Real Winnie
A One-Of-A-Kind Bear

Great Canadian Women
Portraits of Nineteen Extraordinary Women

Soft Target
The real story behind the Air India disaster - Second Edition

Girl in a Red River Coat

Irresponsible Freaks, Highball Guzzlers and Unabashed Grafters
A Bob Edwards Chrestomathy

The Literary Origins of British Columbia, Volume 3

John Muir
West Coast Pioneer

There's Music In These Walls
A History of the Royal Conservatory of Music

Albertans, The
100 people who changed the province

The Albertans
100 people who changed the province

Klondike Cattle Drive

The Frances Smith
Palace Steamer of the Upper Great Lakes, 1867-1896