Browse Books in Canada

Houses for All
The Struggle for Social Housing in Vancouver, 1919-1950
The Klondike Stampede

Robert Brown and the Vancouver Island Exploring Expedition

Contact and Conflict
Indian-European Relations in British Columbia, 1774-1890 (2nd edition)

States of Nature
Conserving Canada's Wildlife in the Twentieth Century

Fighting from Home
The Second World War in Verdun, Quebec

Capital and Labour in the British Columbia Forest Industry, 1934-74

Northern Exposures
Photographing and Filming the Canadian North, 1920-45

No Place to Run
The Canadian Corps and Gas Warfare in the First World War

RCN in Transition, 1910-1985

Growing Up British in British Columbia
Boys in Private School

The Oriental Question
Consolidating a White Man's Province, 1914-41

The Triumph of Citizenship
The Japanese and Chinese in Canada, 1941-67

Nutrition Policy in Canada, 1870-1939

From Maps to Metaphors
The Pacific World of George Vancouver

Fort Langley Journals, 1827-30

Frigates and Foremasts
The North American Squadron in Nova Scotia Waters 1745-1815

The United Church of Canada
A History

Pierre Berton's War of 1812

The Chuck Davis History of Metropolitan Vancouver

The Good Hope Cannery
Life and Death at a Salmon Cannery

People of the Sea

Bill Reid and the Haida Canoe