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Browse Books in Canada

Canadians with Custer

by (author) Mary Thomas

From Manila to Manitoba

Winnipeg's Filipino Health Professionals (c. 1950-1970)

by (author) Darlyne Bautista

You Might be from Saskatchewan If....

by (author) Carson Demmans & Jason Sylvestre

Red River Remembered

A Bicentennial Collection of Stories and Recipes

by (author) Noni Campbell-Horner

The Encyclopedia of Canadian Organized Crime

From Captain Kidd to Mom Boucher

by (author) Peter Edwards & Michel Auger

My Heart's Best Wishes for You

A biography of Archbishop John Walsh

by (author) John P. Comiskey

Fire Along the Frontier

Great Battles of the War of 1812

by (author) Alastair Sweeny

An Environmental History of Canada

by (author) Laurel Sefton MacDowell


A Thematic Guide to Canadian Literature

by (author) Margaret Atwood

Tapestry Of War

by (author) Sandra Gwyn

Setting the Record Straight: A Doctor's Memoir of the 1962 Medicare Crisis

by (author) Noel Doig
edited by Doig Joan
designed by Jacqueline Germin
photographs by Debra Marshall

Civilizing the Wilderness

Culture and Nature in Pre-Confederation Canada and Rupert's Land

by (author) A.A. den Otter

Culturing Wilderness in Jasper National Park

Studies in Two Centuries of Human History in the Upper Athabasca River Watershed

by (author) I.S. MacLaren, Michael Payne, Peter J. Murphy, PearlAnn Reichwein, Lisa McDermott, C.J. Taylor, Gabrielle Zezulka-Mailloux, Zac Robinson & Eric Higgs

Rethinking the Great White North

Race, Nature, and the Historical Geographies of Whiteness in Canada

edited by Andrew Baldwin, Laura Cameron & Audrey Kobayashi

Chasing the Dragon in Shanghai

Canada’s Early Relations with China, 1858-1952

by (author) John D. Meehan

Inuit Art and the Quest for Canada's Arctic Sovereignty

by (author) Patrick Lennox

Raw Life

Cameos of 1890s Justice from a Magistrate's Bench Book

by (author) J. Patrick Boyer
foreword by Edward L. Greenspan & Roy McMurtry

Rails Across the Prairies

The Railway Heritage of Canada’s Prairie Provinces

by (author) Ron Brown

Whatever Happened to Mary Janeway?

A Home Child Story

by (author) Mary Pettit

Canadians and the Natural Environment to the Twenty-First Century

by (author) Neil S. Forkey

Letters from a Lady Rancher

by (author) Monica Hopkins

Snowmobile Adventures

The Incredible Canadian Success from Bombardier to the Villeneuves

by (author) Linda Aksomitis

Roberta Bondar

The Exceptional Achievements of Canada's first Woman Astronaut

by (author) Joan Dixon

Stephen Leacock's Mariposa

One Hundred Years of Sunshine, a Walking Tour of Orillia

by (author) Daphne Mainprize
foreword by James A. "Pete" McGarvey
introduction by Carl Spadoni

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