Browse Books in Ancient
History and Chronology of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt
Seven Studies
Epistola ad Joannem Millium
Jewish and Mandaean Incantation Bowls in the Royal Ontario Museum
Coastal Demes of Attika
A Study of the Policy of Kleisthenes
Euripidean Drama
Myth, Theme and Structure
The Seed of Wisdom
Essays in Honour of T.J. Meek
Humans: The 300,000-Year Struggle for Equality
Marguerite Yourcenar's Hadrian
Writing the Life of a Roman Emperor
Timeline of the Bible
Localism in Hellenistic Greece
Vergil and Elegy
In Defense of Civilization
How Our Past Can Renew Our Present
Celestial Inclinations
A Life of Augustus
And the Birth of Science
The Etruscans in the Modern Imagination
The 2006 Season at Tall al-‘Umayri and Subsequent Studies
Incidental Archaeologists
French Officers and the Rediscovery of Roman North Africa
Sosipatra of Pergamum
Philosopher and Oracle
Entering Hekate's Garden
The Magick, Medicine & Mystery of Plant Spirit Witchcraft
Timeline of World History
Christian Intellectuals and the Roman Empire
From Justin Martyr to Origen
Treasures of World History
The Story Of Civilization in 50 Documents