Browse Books in Historical
The Swallows Uncaged
A Narrative in Eight Panels
The Courtesan
A Novel in Six Parts
Undiscovered Mazo de la Roche 9-Book Bundle
Explorers of the Dawn / Possession / Delight / and 6 more
The Heir: The Donation of Constantine
By Gaslight
Time and Regret
A Spell For Old Bones
The Rose of York: Crown of Destiny
Crown of Destiny
Thaddeus Lewis Mysteries 5-Book Bundle
On the Head of a Pin / Sowing Poison / 47 Sorrows / The Burying Ground / Wishful Seeing
Stone Woman
Tales Our Enemies Tell
Wishful Seeing
A Thaddeus Lewis Mystery
Only Wounded
Stories of the Irish Troubles
The Emperor's Arrow
A Fantasy Romance Novel
Stolen Spring
His Ocean Vixen
The Forge in the Forest
An Acadian Romance
Beautiful Joe
Red Fox
The Heart of Ancient Wood
The Dancehall Years
A West Coast saga from Bowen Island, 1939