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Browse Books in Professional Development


Engaging With Indigenous Narratives and Cultural Expressions In and Beyond the Classroom

edited by Katya Adamov Ferguson & Christine M'Lot
by (author) K.C. Adams, Sonya Ballantyne, Charlene Bearhead, Wilson Bearhead, Lisa Boivin, Rita Bouvier, Nicola I. Campbell, Sara Florence Davidson, Louise B. Halfe, Lucy Hemphill, Wanda John-Kehewin, Elizabeth LaPensee, Victoria McIntosh, Reanna Merasty, David A. Robertson, Russell Wallace & Christina Lavalley Ruddy

The Academic Sabbatical

A Voyage of Discovery

contributions by Timothy Sibbald, Victoria Handford, Anahit Armenakyan, Lee Anne Block, Merridee Bujaki, Antoinette Doyle, Susan E. Elliott-Johns, Jacqueline Hesson, Lloyd Kornelsen, Xuemei Li, Pei-Ying Lin, Heather McLeod, Sharon C. Penney, Maria del Carmen Rodriguez de France, Donald Scott, Shelleyann Scott, Gabriel Young & Cecile Badenhorst

Managing Student Behavior

How to identify, understand, and defuse challenging classroom situations

by (author) Marsha Costello

Teacher Guide for the Sk'ad'a Stories

Intergenerational Learning and Storytelling in the Classroom

by (author) Katya Adamov Ferguson & Sara Florence Davidson

Powerful Poetry

Read, write, rejoice, recite poetry all year long

by (author) Adrienne Gear

Deepening In-Class and Online Learning

60 step-by-step strategies to encourage interaction, foster inclusion, and spark imagination

by (author) Larry Swartz, Debbie Nyman & Magdalin Livingston

Sometimes Reading Is Hard

Using decoding, vocabulary, and comprehension strategies to inspire fluent, passionate, lifelong readers

by (author) Robin Bright

What's the Difference?

Building on Autism strengths, skills, and talents in your classrooms

by (author) Amanda Yuill

Better Reading Now

50 ready-to-use teaching strategies to engage students, deepen comprehension, and nurture a love of reading

by (author) Larry Swartz

Making Math Stick

Classroom strategies that support the long-term understanding of math concepts

by (author) David Costello

Joyful Math

Invitations to play and explore in the early childhood classroom

by (author) Deanna Pecaski McLennan

The Autism Lens

Everything teachers need to connect with students, build confidence, and promote classroom learning

by (author) Kara Dymond

Cultivating Writers

Elevate your writing instruction beyond the skills to ignite the will

by (author) Anne Elliott & Mary Lynch

Beyond the Academic Gateway

Looking back on the Tenure-Track Journey

edited by Timothy Sibbald & Victoria Handford
contributions by Cecile Badenhorst, Lee Anne Block, Joan Chambers, Cam Cobb, Frank Deer, Lyle Hamm, Lloyd Kornelsen, Onowa McIvor, Heather McLeod, Peter Milley, Sylvia Moore, Greg Ogilvie, Sharon Penney, Sarah Pickett, Gregory Rickwood, Maria del Carmen Rodriguez, Margarida Romero, Patricia Rosborough, Manu Sharma, Kathy Snow & Gabrielle Young

Teaching Fairly in an Unfair World

by (author) Kathleen Gould Lundy

A Sage on the Stage

Common Sense Reflections on Teaching and Learning

by (author) Michael Zwaagstra

Powerful Writing Structures

Brain pocket strategies for supporting a year-long writing program

by (author) Adrienne Gear

Teaching Tough Topics

How do I use children's literature to build a deeper understanding of social justice, equity and diversity?

by (author) Larry Swartz

Reconceptualizing Teacher Education

A Canadian Contribution to a Global Challenge

edited by Anne Phelan, William Pinar, Nicholas Ng-A-Fook & Ruth Kane

The How and Wow of Teaching

Quick ideas for mastering any classroom situation effectively, efficiently, and enthusiastically

by (author) Kathy Paterson

Grand Conversations, Thoughtful Responses

A Unique Approach to Literature Circles

by (author) Faye Brownlie
foreword by Leyton Schnellert

Catch a Fire

Fuelling Inquiry and Passion Through Project-Based Learning

edited by Matt Henderson
foreword by Brian O'Leary
by (author) Theresa Armstrong, Dr Eva Brown, Will Burton, Jonathan Dueck, Bonnie Ferguson-Baird, Keith Fulford, Tom Lake, Dave Law, Glenys MacLeod, Jacob Mans, Bonnie Powers, Laura Sims, Sid Williamson & Alex Wilson


How the science of reading informs teaching

by (author) J. Richard Gentry & Gene P. Ouellette

Invitations to Play

Using play to build literacy skills in young learners

by (author) Anne Burke

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