Browse Books in History
Notes To the Univ of Toronto:A History
The Development of Postsecondary Education Systems in Canada
A Comparison between British Columbia, Ontario, and Québec, 1980-2010
Indian School Road
Legacies of the Shubenacadie Residential School
Becoming a History Teacher
Sustaining Practices in Historical Thinking and Knowing
Ontario Boys
Masculinity and the Idea of Boyhood in Postwar Ontario, 1945--1960
Ontario Boys
Masculinity and the Idea of Boyhood in Postwar Ontario, 1945--1960
The Chaplain
The Pilgrim
Border Crossings
US Culture and Education in Saskatchewan, 1905-1937
Creating Space
My Life and Work in Indigenous Education
The Survivor
Book Two of the Alford Saga
The Deserter
Book One of the Alford Saga
The Pioneer
Book Three of the Alford Saga
The Pilgrim
Book Four of the Alford Saga
Prayers, Petitions, and Protests
The Catholic Church and the Ontario Schools Crisis in the Windsor Border Region, 1910-1928
The University of Toronto
A History, Second Edition
Arts and Science at Toronto
A History, 1827-1990
Cultures, Communities, and Conflict
Histories of Canadian Universities and War
Schooling in Transition
Readings in Canadian History of Education
Doing What's Best For Kids
A History of Fort McMurray Public School District No. 2833
Inventing Academic Freedom
The 1968 Strax Affair at the University of New Brunswick
Progressive Education
Revisioning and Reframing Ontario's Public Schools, 1919-1942
Ruling by Schooling Quebec
Conquest to Liberal Governmentality - A Historical Sociology
Idea of Popular Schooling in Upper Canada
Print Culture, Public Discourse, and the Demand for Education