Browse Books in Digital Media
AutoCAD For Dummies
The Animator's Survival Kit: Flexibility and Weight
(Richard Williams' Animation Shorts)
The Animator's Survival Kit: Dialogue, Directing, Acting and Animal Action
(Richard Williams' Animation Shorts)
The Animator's Survival Kit: Runs, Jumps and Skips
(Richard Williams' Animation Shorts)
The Animator's Survival Kit: Walks
(Richard Williams' Animation Shorts)
The Book of Inkscape, 2nd Edition
The Definitive Guide to the Graphics Editor
Android Smartphone Photography For Dummies
Transformative Media
Intersectional Technopolitics from Indymedia to #BlackLivesMatter
Who Are You?
Nintendo's Game Boy Advance Platform
SketchUp For Dummies
Studying Sound
A Theory and Practice of Sound Design
iPhone Photography For Dummies
Make Your Own Pixel Art
Create Graphics for Games, Animations, and More!
The Unofficial Pokemon GO Tracker's Guide
Finding the Rarest Pokemon and Strangest PokeStops on the Planet
The Gameful World
Approaches, Issues, Applications
Adaptive Architecture
Hello Avatar
Rise of the Networked Generation
Gaining Advantage in Videogames