Browse Books in Science & Nature

When Green Becomes Tomatoes
Poems for All Seasons

Deep Roots
How Trees Sustain Our Planet

Pedal It!
How Bicycles are Changing the World

Mr. Brown's Bad Saskatchewan Vacation

Birds of Canada

Mammals of Canada

Weird Bugs

Animal Riddles


Animal Tracks of Canada

A Walk on the Shoreline

A Boy Asked the Wind

What's the Buzz?
Keeping Bees in Flight

West Coast Wild
A Nature Alphabet

DNA Detective

Keepers of the Animals
Native Stories and Wildlife Activities for Children

Aliens Among Us
Invasive Animals and Plants in British Columbia

A Children's Guide to Arctic Birds
Inuktitut Roman Orthography Edition

Be a Beach Detective
Solving the Mysteries of Lakes, Swamps, and Pools

Be a Beach Detective

Wild Ideas
Let Nature Inspire Your Thinking

Down To Earth
How Kids Help Feed the World

Trash Talk
Moving Toward a Zero-Waste World