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Browse Books in Science & Nature


The Delicious Story of Candy

by (author) Ann Love & Jane Drake
illustrated by Claudia Dávila

Taking Care of Mother Earth

by (author) Leanne Flett Kruger
illustrated by Marie-Micheline Hamelin

Earth Day

by (author) Molly Aloian

Why do animals migrate?

by (author) Bobbie Kalman

What senses do animals have?

by (author) Bobbie Kalman

Get to Know Wheels and Axles

by (author) Paul Challen

Get to Know Screws

by (author) Paul Challen

How does it Move?

by (author) Bobbie Kalman

The ABCs of Continents

by (author) Bobbie Kalman

What time is it?

by (author) Bobbie Kalman

The ABCs of Endangered Animals

by (author) Bobbie Kalman

The ABCs of Insects

by (author) Bobbie Kalman

What are these animals doing?

by (author) Bobbie Kalman

The ABCs of the Environment

by (author) Bobbie Kalman

What are natural structures?

by (author) Bobbie Kalman

How do animals communicate?

by (author) Bobbie Kalman

What are Earth's biomes?

by (author) Bobbie Kalman

Les vers de terre

by (author) Bobbie Kalman

Les gorilles de montagne

by (author) Bobbie Kalman
with Kristina Lundblad

Les raies

by (author) Rebecca Sjonger & Bobbie Kalman

Les récifs coralliens

by (author) Kelley MacAulay & Bobbie Kalman

Have You Ever Seen a Duck in a Raincoat?

by (author) Etta Kaner
illustrated by Jeff Szuc

The Insecto-files

Amazing Insect Science and Bug Facts You'll Never Believe

by (author) Helaine Becker
illustrated by Claudia Dávila

You Are Weird

Your Body’s Peculiar Parts and Funny Functions

by (author) Diane Swanson
illustrated by Kathy Boake

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