Browse Books in Biography & Autobiography
Incredible Women Inventors
Roberta Bondar (JR)
The Exceptional Achievements of Canada's First Woman Astronaut
Pierre Elliott Trudeau
June Callwood
A Life of Action
Remarkable Women Writers
A Dangerous Engine
Benjamin Franklin, from Scientist to Diplomat
John Ware
Caring for a Colony
The Story of Jeanne Mance
Samuel de Champlain: From New France to Cape Cod
Sieur de La Salle: New World Adventurer
Ferdinand Magellan: Circumnavigating the World
James Cook: The Pacific Coast and Beyond
Ponce de Léon: Exploring Florida and Puerto Rico
Marco Polo: Overland to China
Famous People of the Middle Ages
Canada Moves West
Harry Houdini
A Magical Life
David Milne
An Introduction to His Life and Art
The Mona Lisa Caper
She Dared
True Stories of Heroines, Scoundrels, and Renegades
A Home for Foundlings
A Lord Museum Book
How Basketball Works
Joe Louis
My Champion
Ernie Coombs
Mr Dress-Up