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Browse Books in Endangered

Saving Turtles

A Kid's Guide to Helping Endangered Creatures

by (author) Sue Carstairs

Whales and Us

Our Shared Journey

by (author) India Desjardins
illustrated by Nathalie Dion
translated by David Warriner

Saving the Spotted Owl

Zalea’s Story

by (author) Nicola Jones
illustrated by Alexandra Finkeldey

The Lion Queen

Rasila Vadher, the First Woman Guardian of the Last Asiatic Lions

by (author) Rina Singh
illustrated by Tara Anand

Jane’s Endangered Animal Guide

(Inspired by the Jane Apple TV Show) (Gift for 10 year old)

by (author) J.J. Johnson & Christin Simms
illustrated by Francesca Willett
foreword by Jane Goodall

Sharks Forever

The Mystery and History of the Planet’s Perfect Predator

by (author) Mark Leiren-Young

The Late, Great Endlings

Stories of the Last Survivors

by (author) Deborah Kerbel
illustrated by Aimée van Drimmelen

Brothers in Arms

A True World War II Story of Wojtek the Bear and the Soldiers Who Loved Him

by (author) Susan Hood
illustrated by Jamie Green

Listen Up!

Exploring the World of Natural Sound

by (author) Stephen Aitken

Orca Rescue!

The True Story of an Orphaned Orca Named Springer

by (author) Donna Sandstrom
illustrated by Sig Burwash

Small but Mighty

Why Earth’s Tiny Creatures Matter

by (author) Kendra Brown
illustrated by Catarina Oliveira

Conservation Canines

How Dogs Work for the Environment

by (author) Isabelle Groc
foreword by Anjelica Huston

The Beekeepers: How Humans Changed the World of Bumble Bees (Scholastic Focus)

How Humans Changed the World of Bumble Bees

by (author) Dana L. Church

The Beekeepers: How Humans Changed the World of Bumble Bees (Scholastic Focus)

by (author) Dana L. Church


Saving the Fastest Bird in the World

illustrated by Celia Godkin

The Word for Friend

illustrated by Aidan Cassie

Big Whales, Small World

by (author) Mark Leiren-Young

Orcas of the Salish Sea Read-Along

by (author) Mark Leiren-Young
read by Kelly Nakatsuka

Big Whales, Small World Read-Along

by (author) Mark Leiren-Young
read by Kelly Nakatsuka

Orcas of the Salish Sea

by (author) Mark Leiren-Young

Sea Otters

A Survival Story

by (author) Isabelle Groc
foreword by Judi Dench & David F. Mills

Ours to Share

Coexisting in a Crowded World

by (author) Kari Jones

Keep Up, Katmai

by (author) Pili Palm-Leis
photographs by Barrett Hedges

Bringing Back the Black-Footed Ferret

by (author) Rachel Stuckey

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