Browse Books in Children's Nonfiction
The Life Cycle of a Butterfly - CD + HC Book - Package
The Life Cycle of a Honeybee - CD + HC Book - Package

Image Deal With It
Deal with it from the inside out

The Renewal of a Forest

Canadian 100th Day Activities K-Grade 3

Out of Line
Growing Up Soviet

Stones, Bones and Stitches
Storytelling through Inuit Art

For Those About to Write
How I Learned to Love Books and Why I Had to Write Them

Le hockey ses supervedettes 2007-2008

Hockey Superstars 2007-2008

Fully Woolly

Canadian Dinosaurs

A Isn't for Fox
An Isn't Alphabet

Scholastic Canada Book of Hockey Lists

A Poppy Is to Remember

Rhyme Stones

Hanna Bear's Christmas

The Dreadful Truth: The Northwest Passage

M Is For Maple
A Canadian Alphabet

Hockey Numbers

Double Take
Karen Brain's Olympic Journey

In the Land of the Jaguar
South America and Its People

D is for Dinosaur
A Prehistoric Alphabet