Browse Books in Children's Nonfiction

Canada in Flux: 1960-1979

Mi'kmaq Community

La communaute metisse

Inuit Community

Get Involved: Democracy


Create a Better Canada: Just Society

Mi'kmaq Community

Les relations avec les Premières Nations

And So It Goes

All Kinds of Friends

Nunavut Then and Now
English Edition

Traditional Inuit Clothing
Inuktitut Edition

Insects of the Arctic: Bugs That Love the Cold
English Edition

Traditional Inuit Clothing
English Edition

Insects of the Arctic: Bugs that Love the Cold
Inuktitut Edition

Nunavut Then and Now
Inuktitut Edition

Arctic Plants: An Introduction to Edible and Medicinal Plants of the North
English Edition

Ships & Boats

Rodeo Roundup


The Baby’s Handbook: 21 Black and White Nursery Rhyme Songs, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Old MacDonald, Pat-a-cake, Twinkle Twinkle, Rock-a-by baby, and More (Engage Early Readers: Children’s Learning Books)

The Kindergartener’s Handbook: ABC’s, Vowels, Math, Shapes, Colors, Time, Senses, Rhymes, Science, and Chores, with 300 Words that every Kid should Know (Engage Early Readers: Children's Learning Books)

Dark Matters
Nature's Reaction to Light Pollution