Browse Books in Children's Nonfiction

Why Do Families Change?
Our First Talk About Separation and Divorce

Smartphone Movie Maker

Wolf Island

Counting on Birds

Beyond Cake and Ice Cream

Secrets of a Reluctant Princess

Saint frère André
Ami de saint Joseph et guérisseur des malades

Sopa de frijoles / Bean Soup
Un poema para cocinar / A Cooking Poem


Les chênes de Vimy
La route vers la paix



MVP Superstars 2017

The Vimy Oaks
A Journey to Peace

FrenchSmart Tutor Grade 7
A Grade 7 French Workbook with corresponding audio clips to develop and improve oral and listening skills

FrenchSmart Tutor Grade 8
A Grade 8 French Workbook with corresponding audio clips to develop and improve oral and listening skills

A Book of Bridges
Here To There and Me To You

Let's Eat
Sustainable Food for a Hungry Planet

Caillou : Ma petite bibliothèque
Contient 4 livres de grands

When the Trees Crackle with Cold: A Cree Calendar (soft cover)

Deal with it body and soul

Deal with it body and soul

Big Blue Forever
The Story of Canada's Largest Blue Whale Skeleton

Clean Sweep! Frank Zamboni's Ice Machine
Great Idea Series