Browse Books in Superheroes

Batman: To the Batcave! (An Abrams Extend-a-Book)
A Board Book

Super Switch

The Wolf Who Wanted to Be a Superhero
My Amazing Heroes

The Children of Akletok

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe: Lost in the Void (Tales of Eternia Book 3)
Bicycle Bob and the bike revolution

Stink: Superhero Superfan

Even Superheroes Get Scared

Hush, Little Hero

Les super six du hockey : N° 4 - Les étoiles du match

Laser Moose and Rabbit Boy: As the Deer Flies

Les super six du hockey : N° 3 - Méchant coup de lapin

Guardians of Porthaven

L'Étrange Miss Flissy

Bug Girl: Fury on the Dance Floor

Arnold the Super-ish Hero

I Just Want to Be Super!

Je suis Super Nino !

Yasmin la superheroína

Drawmaster Robocar Poli: Super Stencil Kit
4 Easy Steps to Draw your Heroes

Drawmaster Robocar Poli : Super kit de pochoirs
4 étapes faciles pour dessiner tes héros

Super Sketchy (The Almost Epic Squad)

Dog vs. Ultra Dog