Browse Books in Indigenous

The Barren Grounds
The Misewa Saga, Book One

The Sasquatch, the Fire and the Cedar Baskets

The Origin of Day and Night

Siha Tooskin Knows the Love of the Dance

Siha Tooskin Knows the Sacred Eagle Feather

Tout petit toi

Tú eres tú

The Raven and the Loon

The Giant Bear
An Inuit Folktale

The Walrus and the Caribou

The Walrus and the Caribou

The Circle of Caring and Sharing

The Origin of Day and Night

The Fox Wife

The Fox Wife

Putuguq and Kublu and the Qalupalik!

Little You / kiya kâ-apisîsisiyan

We Sang You Home / kikî-kîwê-nikamôstamâtinân

Welcome Song for Baby / Ni Nikamon ‘Tawâw Nipepîmis’

Putuguq and Kublu and the Qalupalik!

You Hold Me Up / ê-ohpiniyan

The Shadows that Rush Past

Le Cercle De Partage Teacher Lesson Plan