Browse Books in Exploration & Discovery

Bernice and the Georgian Bay Gold

A Star Explodes
The Story of Supernova 1054


For Laika
The Dog Who Learned the Names of the Stars

Tell No Tales
Pirates of the Southern Seas

Cave Paintings


Clear Skies

Mary Anning's Curiosity

Plus noir que la nuit

The Treasure of Malaga Cove

Au Canada : Les tombes de glace
L'expédition disparue de Franklin, George Chambers, le passage du Nord-Ouest, 1845

I Am Canada: Graves of Ice
The Lost Franklin Expedition, George Chambers, The Northwest Passage, 1845

I Want to Go to the Moon

Titanic Book Three: S.O.S.

Titanic #3: S.O.S.

Titanic #2: Collision Course

Titanic #1: Unsinkable

Trouble on the Voyage

The Alchemist's Dream


Klondike Cat, The