Browse Books in Daily Activities

Why Are You Doing That?

Baby Caillou: My Very First Books
All Clean! & Nap Time

Baby Caillou: Good Morning!

Baby Caillou, I'm Growing!
Growth Chart and Story Book

Stink: The Ultimate Thumb-Wrestling Smackdown

Picture My Day

Baby Caillou: Bubble Time

Caillou: Je n'ai pas faim !

Good Morning, Sam

Caillou: La tétine
Caillou: Where's Gilbert?


Caillou: The Shopping Trip

On My Walk
Caillou: Spend the Day with Me
Caillou: Puts Away His Toys

Caillou: Les courses

Eat, Run and Live Healthy

Living Safe, Playing Safe

Looking After Me

Caillou: Hurry Up!

Caillou: Un matin difficile

Caillou: Joue avec moi