Browse Books in Adaptations

Había una vez…La escoba de la brujita / Once Upon a Witch's Broom

Santa's First Christmas

Cenicienta no se queda callada
Una novela gráfica poco tradicional

Into the Goblin Market

Liar Liar (Whatever After #16)
The Golden Apples

Curlilocks & the Three Hares

Professor Goose Debunks The Three Little Pigs

Los tres chivitos Gruff (The Three Billy Goats Gruff)

Rosie Woods in Little Red Writing Hood

Rosie Woods in Jack and the Bean Shock

Comment fait le père Noël pour passer par la cheminée?

The Great Giants of the Arctic
Bilingual Inuktitut and English Edition

The Garden Witch

Willa the Werewolf
A Fractured Fairy Tale

The Golden Apples

Abby in Neverland (Whatever After Special Edition #3)

Crimson Twill: Witch in the Country

Good as Gold (Whatever After #14)

First Stories: The Little Mermaid

My Pocket Bathroom

Gretel and Hansel

City Beet