Browse Books in Fairy Tales & Folklore
Cinderella: Ninja Warrior
Sleeping Beauty: Vampire Slayer
Nearly Nonsense
Hoja Tales from Turkey
Once Upon a Bathtime
The Maestro
Kiss Me! I'm a Prince
I'm a Prince
Jack and the Manger
A Christmas Jack Tale
Rude Stories
It's Not about the Rose!
Easy-to-Read Wonder Tales
It's Not about the Crumbs!
Easy-to-Read Wonder Tales
It's Not about the Pumpkin!
Easy-to-Read Wonder Tales
It's Not about the Apple!
Easy-to-Read Wonder Tales
It's Not about the Hunter!
Easy-to-Read Wonder Tales
A Book of Tricksters
Tales from Many Lands
The Boy in the Oak
How the Cougar Came to be Called the Ghost Cat/Ta’n Petalu Telui’tut Skite’kmujewe
Giant's Mixed-Up Menu
Based on a Brazilian Legend
Geronimo Stilton and the Kingdom of Fantasy #1: The Kingdom of Fantasy
Demon Princess: Reign or Shine
Spirits, Fairies, and Merpeople
Native Stories of Other Worlds