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Browse Books in Children's Fiction

Prince for a Princess

by (author) Eric Walters
illustrated by David Parkins

Caillou: Dans mon petit lit

Compte jusqu'à 10

text by Anne Paradis
illustrated by Éric Sévigny

Seeing Orange

by (author) Sara Cassidy
illustrated by Amy Meissner

Edge of Flight

by (author) Kate Jaimet


by (author) Deb Loughead

Accord de puissance

(Power Chord)

by (author) Ted Staunton

Cher Journal : Sans havre

Charlotte Blackburn lors de la grande explosion, Halifax, Nouvelle-Écosse, 1917

by (author) Julie Lawson

Justine McKeen, Pooper Scooper

by (author) Sigmund Brouwer
illustrated by Dave Whamond

La cache

(Stuff We All Get)

by (author) K.L. Denman

Prince for a Princess

by (author) Eric Walters
illustrated by David Parkins

Counting Back from Nine

by (author) Valerie Sherrard

Return to the Willows

by (author) Jacqueline Kelly
illustrated by Clint Young

The Old House

by (author) Gisela Woldenga

Caillou: My Little Bed

Count from 1 to 10

by (author) Anne Paradis
illustrated by Éric Sévigny

Gubby Builds a Boat

illustrated by Kim La Fave
by (author) Gary Kent

Rhinos for Lunch and Elephants for Supper!

by (author) Tololwa Mollel
illustrated by Barbara Spurll


by (author) Tish Cohen

Peter Reynolds Creatrilogy Box Set (Dot, Ish, Sky Color)

by (author) Peter H. Reynolds

Caillou envoie une lettre

adapted by Joceline Sanschagrin
illustrated by Éric Sévigny

Caillou est malade

adapted by Roger Harvey
illustrated by Éric Sévigny

Evil Eye

by (author) Jeff Szpirglas

Spin to Sea

by (author) Izra Fitch & Doretta Groenendyk

If You Spent a Day with Thoreau at Walden Pond

by (author) Robert Burleigh
illustrated by Wendell Minor

Caillou: La grande glissade

adapted by Jeannine Beaulieu
illustrated by Éric Sévigny

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