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Browse Books in International

Patriots and Profiteers

Economic Warfare, Embargo Busting, and State-Sponsored Crime

by (author) R.T. Naylor

The Shock Doctrine

The Rise of Disaster Capitalism

by (author) Naomi Klein

The Poverty of Corrupt Nations

by (author) Roy Cullen

Growling Tiger, Roaring Dragon

India, China and the New World Order

by (author) David Smith

Entrepreneurial States

Reforming Corporate Governance in France, Japan, and Korea

by (author) Yves Tiberghien

Canada in the European Age, 1453-1919

by (author) R.T. Naylor

Canadian Quandary

by (author) Harry Johnson

Fiscal Reform in Colombia

Problems and Prospects

edited by Richard M. Bird, James M. Poterba & Joel Slemrod

Reclaiming Democracy

The Social Justice and the Political Economy of Gregory Baum and Kari Polanyi Levitt

by (author) Marguerite Mendell

Canada and the Cost of World War II

The International Operations of Canada's Department of Finance, 1939-1947

by (author) Robert Bryce

Lager Heads

by (author) Paul Brent

NAFTA Tax Law and Policy

Resolving the Clash between Economic and Sovereignty Interests

by (author) Arthur J. Cockfield

Canada's Regional Innovation System

The Science-based Industries

by (author) Jorge Niosi

Fatal Indifference

The G8, Africa and Global Health

by (author) Ronald Labonte, Ted Schrecker, David Sanders & Wilma Meeus

While Canada Slept

How We Lost Our Place in the World

by (author) Andrew Cohen

At the Global Crossroads

The Sylvia Ostry Foundation Lectures

by (author) Sylvia Ostry

New World Order

Corporate Agenda and Parallel Reality

by (author) Gordana Yovanovich

Inventing Europe

The Rise Of A New World Power

by (author) James Laxer


The Secrets Of Food, Trust And Globalization

by (author) Friedhelm Schwartz

Investing In Greater China

by (author) Irene So

Money, Markets, and Mobility

Celebrating the Ideas and Influence of 1999 Nobel Laureate Robert A. Mundell

by (author) Thomas J. Courchene

East Asia in Transition

Economic and Security Challenges

edited by Wendy Dobson & A.E. Safarian

The Ingenuity Gap

Can We Solve the Problems of the Future?

by (author) Thomas Homer-Dixon

The World Trade Organization

A Citizen's Guide

by (author) James Lorimer & Company Ltd., Publishers

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