Browse Books in Industries
The Money Formula
Dodgy Finance, Pseudo Science, and How Mathematicians Took Over the Markets
Costly Fix
Power, Politics, and Nature in the Tar Sands
The Revenge of Analog
Real Things and Why They Matter
Growing Community Forests
Practice, Research, and Advocacy in Canada
Deciphering Shopping in Canada
Slave to Fashion
Media Whore
A Shockingly Simple Guide to Becoming Your Own Kickass Publicist
People, Power, Progress
The Story of John Hart Dam and the Campbell River Power Projects
Canada's Coca-Cola
Refreshing the Nation for 120 Years
Looking For Bootstraps
Economic Development in the Maritimes
Doctors in Denial
Why Big Pharma and the Canadian medical profession are too close for comfort
Making Monte Carlo
A History of Speculation and Spectacle
Arctic Tourism Experiences
Production, Consumption and Sustainability
Reengineering Retail
The Future of Selling In A Post-Digital World
This I Know
Marketing Lessons from Under the Influence
Access to Medicines as a Human Right
Implications for Pharmaceutical Industry Responsibility
Practical Tourism Research
Canada after Keystone XL
Working in the Woods
A History of Logging on the West Coast
Spaceports Around the World, A Global Growth Industry
The News We Deserve
The Transformation of Canada's Media Landscape
Conversations in Food Studies
Tell Everyone
Why We Share and Why It Matters
The American Retail Value Proposition
Crafting Unique Experiences at Compelling Prices