Browse Books in Business & Economics

The Last Canadian Knight
The Unintended Business Adventures of Sir Graham Day

The Get-It-Done Business Plan: Write a Business Plan That Will Get Your Business Financed
Chapter 10. How to Write "Marketing Plan" Part of the Business Plan

Corporate Cataclysm
Abitibi Power & Paper and the Collapse of the Newsprint Industry, 1912-1946

The Get-It-Done Business Plan
Write a Business Plan That Will Get Your Business Financed

In Sight
My Life in Science and Health Innovation

« Merci de nous avoir choisis »
K.C. Irving, Arthur Irving et l’histoire d’Irving Oil

The Business Transition Coach
Your guide to succession planning, exit strategies, and preparing for the big handoff

Lead. Care. Win.
How to Become a Leader Who Matters

Good with Money
A Rich Guy's Guide to Gaining Everything by Losing it All. A Memoir

The Larder of the Wise
The Story of Vancouver's James Inglis Reid Ltd.

Gardeners vs. Designers
Understanding the Great Fault Line in Canadian Politics

Protective Practices
A History of the London Rubber Company and the Condom Business

Future Luxe
What's Ahead for the Business of Luxury

The New Corporation
How "Good" Corporations Are Bad for Democracy

Unicorn in the Woods
How East Coast Geeks and Dreamers Are Changing the Game

Camouflaged Aggression in Organizations
A Bimodal Theory

Humanity at Work
Leading for Better Relationships and Results

The Trust Trifecta
A Leader's Guide to Hitting the Trust Jackpot

Building Unity
Leading a Non-Profit from Spark to Succession

Massage Therapist Success Mindset
Success Principles for the Massage Therapist Entrepreneur

The E5 Movement
Leadership through the rule of Five

A Good War
Mobilizing Canada for the Climate Emergency

Rebuilding Halifax
A history of the Halifax Relief Commission