Browse Books in Business & Economics

The Myth of Green Marketing
Tending Our Goats at the Edge of Apocalypse
Computer Law

So Close to the State/s
The Emergence of Canadian Feature Film Policy, 1952-1976

International Trade Law

So Close to the State/s
The Emergence of Canadian Feature Film Policy

Taxing Multinationals
Transfer Pricing and Corporate Income Taxation in North America
Turning Points
Decisions Shaping the Evolution of The International Political Economy

Seminars To Build Your Business

Forging Business-Labour Partnerships
The Emergence of Sector Councils in Canada

Excessive Expectations
Maritime Commerce and the Economic Development of Nova Scotia, 1740-1870

The 1997 Federal Budget
Retrospect and Prospect

The Corporation and Its Stakeholders
Classic and Contemporary Readings

1001 Fundraising Ideas and Strategies
For charity and other not-for-profit groups in Canada

Unequal Freedoms
The Global Market as an Ethical System

Tie Hackers to Timber Harvesters
The History of Logging in BC's Interior

The Knowing Organization
How Organizations Use Information to Construct Meaning, Create Knowledge, and Make Decisions
Hard Like Water
Ethics in Business

Hard Money, Hard Times
Why Zero Inflation Hurts Canadians

The Story of Canadian Airlines International

Patient Power
The Smart Patient's Guide to Health Care

The People Link
Human Resource Linkages across The Pacific

Blue Skies and Boiler Rooms
Buying and Selling Securities in Canada, 1870-1940

Risk of Death in Canada
What We Know and How We Know It

In Between Countries
Australia, Canada, and the Search for Order in Agricultural Trade