Browse Books in Historical

Race To The Polar Sea
The Heroic Adventures of Elisha Kent Kane

William C. Van Horne
Railway Titan

I Once Was A Cowboy
Sixty Years a Canadian Ranch Hand

Bronc Busters and Hay Sloops
Ranching in the West in the Early 20th Century

David Thompson
A Life of Adventure and Discovery

Lucy Maud Montgomery
The Gift of Wings

Cyprus 1974, “This Ain’t No Picnic, It’s War”
The Combat Diary of Al Gaudet, Canadian Peacekeeper

Cheadle's Journal Of Trip Across Canada

Peter O'Reilly
The Rise Of A Reluctant Immigrant

A Spy's Life

A Shadow on the Household
One Enslaved Family's Incredible Struggle for Freedom

Gang Ranch
The Real Story

The Diary of Bishop Edward Feild in 1844

Shooting Star, Crouching Panther

The Little Coat
The Bob and Sue Elliott Story

Pirates of the Atlantic
Robbery, murder and mayhem off the Canadian East Coast

Sir Sandford Fleming
His Early Diaries, 1845-1853

James Douglas
Father of British Columbia

Sherlock Holmes Handbook
Second Edition

Race To The Polar Sea

Doodlebugging in Saskatchewan
A Wife Remembers 1950-1954

Memories from the Abyss/But I Had a Happy Childhood

A Drastic Turn of Destiny