Browse Books in Biography & Autobiography


Red Right Returning

No One Else is Lawrence!
A Dozen of D.H Lawrence's Best Poems

The Creative Voice
Life and Art in the Okanagan
Merry Heart
Requiem for Oblivion

Bush and Arctic Pilot
A Pilot's Story

Courting Saskatchewan
A Celebration of Winter Feasts, Summer Loves & Rising Brookies

Beyond the Northern Lights
A Quest for the Outdoor Life

Wheels, Skis and Floats
The Northern Adventures of a Pioneer Pilot

The Elsewhere Community

Pembina Country

Crazy Man's Creek

Banana Boots

Benjamin Disraeli Letters
1852-1856, Volume VI

Selected Letters of Margaret Laurence and Adele Wiseman

The King's Story

Fred Cumberland
Building the Victorian Dream

Spirit Alive
A Woman's Healing From Cult Ritual Abuse

On the Shore of Hudson Bay

Buckskin and Broadcloth
A Celebration of E. Pauline Johnson — Tekahionwake, 1861-1913

Franz Liszt
The Final Years, 1861-1886

Behold the Hero
General Wolfe and the Arts in the Eighteenth Century

Behold the Hero
General Wolfe and the Arts in the Eighteenth Century