Browse Books in Biography & Autobiography

I Hear She's a Real Bitch

Black Flag of the North
Bartholomew Roberts, King of the Atlantic Pirates

Saint of the Imagination

A Part of Me

Amma's Daughters
A Memoir

My Year of Dirt and Water
Journal of a Zen Monk's Wife in Japan

Thanks for Chucking That at the Wall Instead of Me
Teaching At-Risk Children and Youth
Unti Lisa Ray Memoir

Mistress of the Blue Castle
The Writing Life of Phebe Florence Miller

Black Donnellys
The outrageous tale of Canada's deadliest feud

Happily Ever Esther
Two Men, a Wonder Pig, and Their Life-Changing Mission to Give Animals a Home

Sailing in Circles, Goin' Somewhere
Not Your Typical Boat Story

In the Middle Are the Horsemen
(Mis)Adventures of a Perpetual Working Student

Sail the Wild Seas
Stories of the North Atlantic
John Okada
The Life and Rediscovered Work of the Author of No-No Boy

Red Star Tattoo
My Life as a Girl Revolutionary

Ladder Valley

I've Got Something to Say

Being Prime Minister

Chaos to Canvas

Basements and Attics, Closets and Cyberspace
Explorations in Canadian Women’s Archives

Michi Saagiig Nishnaabeg
This Is Our Territory

Finding Mr. Wong

Against the Current
The Remarkable Life of Agnes Deans Cameron