Browse Books in Performance

An Open-Ended Run
A Memoir

High Adventure
Tales of Canadian Rock & Roll Survival (from Chester Basin to April Wine and Beyond)

What Are Our Supports?

Sweet Canadian Girls Abroad
A Transnational History of Stage and Screen Actresses

Holding Ground
Nuit Blanche and Other Ruptures

Kevin Schmidt

Performing Turtle Island
Indigenous Theatre on the World Stage

Come From Away: Welcome to the Rock
An Inside Look at the Hit Musical

Inside Killjoy’s Kastle
Dykey Ghosts, Feminist Monsters, and Other Lesbian Hauntings

Unbecoming Nationalism
From Commemoration to Redress in Canada

Wordless: The Performance Art of Rebecca Belmore

Authenticity is a Feeling
My Life in PME-ART

Haircuts by Children and Other Evidence for a New Social Contract

Haircuts by Children and Other Evidence for a New Social Contract
And Other Evidence for a New Social Contract

Borrowed Lady
Martine Syms

Selected and New Poetry of Paul Dutton

Anna Banana
45 Years of Fooling Around with A. Banana

Alien Agency
Experimental Encounters with Art in the Making

New York Burlesque
Photographs by Roy Kemp

Introducing Suzy Lake

Art of Immersive Soundscapes

Diane Borsato

Crossfiring/Mama Wetotan: Practising Theory