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Roy Arden

by (artist) Roy Arden
by (author) Scott Watson & Peter Culley

Aldin's Gift

Jamelie Hassan

by (artist) Jamelie Hassan
by (author) Monika Kin Gagnon & Homi K. Bhabha

Drawn From Drawn Upon

by (artist) Stephen Andrews & Cathy Daley
by (author) Loretta Yarlow

Charlie Russell and the First Calgary Stampede

by (author) Brian W. Dippie & Lorain Lounsberry

The Calgary Stampede

A Collection of Vintage Postcards

compiled by Ken Tingley

Jacques Hurtubise

Catalogue raisonnée

edited by Sarah Fillmore

He Named Her Amber

by (author) Iris Häussler


Where the Tide Ends/Où la Marée Aboutit

by (author) Terry Graff & Alan Syliboy

Glitter and Gloom/Éclat et obscurité

The Sketchbooks of Herzl Kashetsky/Les cahiers de croquis de Herzl Kasetsky

edited by Terry Graff

Last Folio

Textures of Jewish Life in Slovakia

by (author) Yuri Dojc & Katya Krausova

The Insurance Man

Kafka in the Penal Colony

edited by Jerry Zaslove & Bill Jeffries

Will Gorlitz

nowhere if not here

by (author) Bruce W. Ferguson, Peggy Gale, Jeffrey Spalding & David Urban

Anthony Burnham

Even Space Does Not Repeat

by (author) Diana Nemiroff, Naomi Potter & Marie-Éve Charron

Bollywood Cinema Showcards

Indian Film Art from the 1950s to the 1980s

edited by Deepali Dewan

Julian Schnabel

Art and Film

with David Moos

Occasional Works and Seven Walks from the Office for Soft Architecture

by (author) Lisa Robertson

Able Muse Anthology

best of the poetry, fiction, short stories, creative nonfiction, essays, interviews, book reviews, poetry translation, art & photography

edited by Alexander Pepple
foreword by Timothy Steele

Emblems of Empire

Selections from the Mactaggart Art Collection

by (author) John E. Vollmer & Jacqueline Simcox

Stooge Pile

by (author) Seth Scriver


Seventeenth-Century Printed Books and the Traces of Their Readers

by (author) Sylvia Brown & John Considine

Dirty Dishes

by (author) Amy Lockhart

Automatiste Revolution, The

Montreal 1941 - 1960

edited by Roald Nasgaard
by (author) Ray Ellenwood

Nekt wikuhpon ehpit

Once there lived a woman: The Painting, Poetry and Politics of Shirley Bear/Il était une fois une femme : la peinture, la poésie et la politique de Shirley Bear

edited by Terry Graff

Vermeer, Rembrandt and the Golden Age of Dutch Art

Masterpieces of the Rijksmuseum

other Ruud Vancouver Art Gallery
by (author) Ruud Priem

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