Browse Books in Art
Up From Garlic Flats
Understanding Northwest Coast Indigenous Jewelry
The Art, The Artists, The History
Grunt: The Art and Unpublished Comics of James Stokoe
Guide to Indigenous Rock Carvings of the Northwest Coast
Petroglyphs and Rubbings of the Pacific Northwest
Intertwined Histories
Plants in Their Social Contexts
On the Curve
The Life and Art of Sybil Andrews
Ruling Out Art
Media Art Meets Law in Ontario’s Censor Wars
Women, Art, and Literature in the Iranian Diaspora
People Among the People
The Public Art of Susan Point
Teacher Guide for KC Adams' Perception: A Photo Series
Guide to Indigenous Artifacts of the Northeast
Beau Dick
Devoured by Consumerism
Indigenous Repatriation Handbook
Plastic Capitalism
Contemporary Art and the Drive to Waste
Socially engaged art and theory
Make Your Own Pixel Art
Create Graphics for Games, Animations, and More!
Krista Belle Stewart
Fifteen Paths
How to Tune Out Noise, Turn On Imagination and Find Wisdom
The Canadian Alternative
Cartoonists, Comics, and Graphic Novels
Don Proch
Masking and Mapping
Contested Spaces, Counter-narratives, and Culture from Below in Canada and Québec
Jewish and Mandaean Incantation Bowls in the Royal Ontario Museum
Imitation & Design and Other Essays
Landscape into Eco Art
Articulations of Nature Since the '60s