Ireland Posts
Researching Your Irish Ancestors at Home and Abroad
Researching Your Irish Ancestors at Home and Abroad
Ulster's Men
Protestant Unionist Masculinities and Militarization in the North of Ireland, 1912-1923
Ulster's Men
Protestant Unionist Masculinities and Militarization in the North of Ireland, 1912-1923
Places and Novels: Guest Post by Peter Behrens
"I need to seed a book in a place. In my mind I plant the idea of the book in one very specific patch of ground and hope it will grow from there."
Ireland, Sweden, and the Great European Migration, 1815-1914
Beyond Belfast
A 560 Mile Journey Across Northern Ireland On Sore Feet
Hooking Our Heritage
Flight from Famine
The Coming of the Irish to Canada
Flight from Famine
The Coming of the Irish to Canada