Caregiving Posts

The Acute-Care Nurse Practitioner
A Transformational Journey

Caregiver's Guide for Canadians

5 Essential Things the Elder Caregiver Needs to Know
As winter arrives, caregivers helping seniors will need to become more aware and take more precautions. Rick Lauber provides some great tips.

Supporting Parents with Alzheimer's
Your parents took care of you, now how do you take care of them?

Supporting Parents with Alzheimer's
Your parents took care of you, now how do you take care of them?

Cross-Cultural Caring, 2nd ed.
A Handbook for Health Professionals

Long-Term Care in Saskatchewan
Its History & Evolution

Caregiver's Guide for Canadians

Remembering Home
Rediscovering the Self in Dementia

Remembering Home
Rediscovering the Self in Dementia