Notes from a Children's Librarian
Carefully selected books according to curriculum and theme.

Notes from a Children's Librarian: Books for Black History Month
Julie Booker shares a reading list about Canadian black history.

Notes From a Children's Librarian: Equine Books for the Year of the Horse
Julie Booker offers up horse books in anticipation of the Lunar New Year.

Notes From a Children's Librarian: Books With Sole(s)
Our resident children's librarian on big ideas and books about shoes.

Notes From a Children's Librarian: Into the Land of Nod
As our children's librarian columnist says, "the true antidote to sleep anxiety is a great book."

Notes From a Children's Librarian: Great Sequels (and Great Cats)
Our children's librarian columnist, Julie Booker, on very good kids' series where cats (and/or superheroes) figure large.

Notes From a Children's Librarian: On Books About Displacement
Julie Booker shares five stellar narratives which happen to share a theme of displacement.

Notes From a Children's Librarian: Enviro Fiction Picks
Julie Booker selects great Earth Day books for readers through the ages.

Notes from a Children's Librarian 940s: History in Graphic Form
Our children's librarian columnist Julie Booker brings us the latest in book banter.
One of the most powerful tools a librarian has in her arsenal is book …

Notes from a Children's Librarian: On Real Women and Strong Girls
Julie Booker recommends books about real women and strong girls who’ve made an impact on the world.

Notes from a Children's Librarian: On the Literary Quest
Our Children's Librarian Columnist on Books that (Literally) Take You Places.
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Great writers from across the country sit down with us to talk about their books, and the stories behind them.
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Indie booksellers from coast to coast tell us the books they can't stop recommending to their customers.
Quick Hits
The best books are timeless, and they deserve to find readers whenever and wherever.
Notes From a Children's Librarian
Our resident children's librarian columnist chooses books by theme for children of all ages.
On Our Radar
Every month, our editor enthuses about the books piling up on her mind and on her nightstand.