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renaissance Eradicating the Devil's Minions
Controversies with Alberto Pio
The English Emblem Tradition
The Correspondence of Erasmus
Paraphrase on the Gospel of Matthew
Paraphrases on the Epistles to the Corinthians, Ephesians, Philippans, Colossians, and Thessalonians
The Protestant Whore
New Testament Scholarship
The Decameron Third Day in Perspective
Collected Works of Erasmus
Collected Works of Erasmus
The Harem Midwife
Heroic Forms
The Renaissance and Reformation in Northern Europe
The Renaissance and Reformation in Northern Europe
A Proper Dyaloge Betwene a Gentillman An
Taking Exception to the Law
The Making of Sir Philip Sidney
Anxieties of Interiority and Dissection in Early Modern Spain
The Rise of the Diva on the Sixteenth-Century Commedia dell'Arte Stage