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indigenous studies Lost Harvests
I Am a Damn Savage; What Have You Done to My Country? / Eukuan nin matshi-manitu innushkueu; Tanite nene etutamin nitassi?
I Am a Damn Savage; What Have You Done to My Country? / Eukuan nin matshi-manitu innushkueu; Tanite nene etutamin nitassi?
At the Bridge
At the Bridge
Métis Politics and Governance in Canada
Men, Masculinity, and the Indian Act
Incorporating Culture
Shaping the Future on Haida Gwaii
Métis Politics and Governance in Canada
Men, Masculinity, and the Indian Act
Nothing to Write Home About
Indigenous Peoples and Dementia
Nothing to Write Home About
Indigenous Peoples and Dementia
Clearing the Plains NEW EDITION
No Surrender