University of Washington Press
Books from this publisher
Unsettling Histories from the Graveyard of the Pacific
The Great Commentary on the Documents Classic / Shangshu dazhuan????
Native Alienation
Spiritual Conquest and the Violence of California Missions
Refusing Settler Domesticity
Native Women's Labor and Resistance in the Bay Area Outing Program
Transpacific, Undisciplined
Unrecognized in California
Federal Acknowledgment and the San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians
Queer World Making
Contemporary Middle Eastern Diasporic Art
Pictorial Anatomy of the Fetal Pig
Capturing Glaciers
A History of Repeat Photography and Global Warming
The Unknown Great
Stories of Japanese Americans at the Margins of History
Queer Data Studies
Bellwether Histories
Animals, Humans, and US Environments in Crisis
Settler Cannabis
From Gold Rush to Green Rush in Indigenous Northern California
Louisiana Creole Peoplehood
Afro-Indigeneity and Community
Painful Beauty
Tlingit Women, Beadwork, and the Art of Resilience
The Unsung Great
Stories of Extraordinary Japanese Americans
Totem Pole Carving
Norman Tait, Bringing a Log to Life
Birds of the Pacific Northwest
A Photographic Guide
Shifting Livelihoods
Gold Mining and Subsistence in the Chocó, Colombia
Native American Stories from Puget Sound
Taiwan in Dynamic Transition
Nation Building and Democratization
Caring for Glaciers
Land, Animals, and Humanity in the Himalayas
John Okada
The Life and Rediscovered Work of the Author of No-No Boy
We Are Dancing for You
Native Feminisms and the Revitalization of Women's Coming-of-Age Ceremonies
Power in the Telling
Grand Ronde, Warm Springs, and Intertribal Relations in the Casino Era
The Rebirth of Bodh Gaya
Buddhism and the Making of a World Heritage Site
Native Seattle
Histories from the Crossing-Over Place
Frontier Livelihoods
Hmong in the Sino-Vietnamese Borderlands
The Pulse of Modernism
Physiological Aesthetics in Fin-de-Siècle Europe
Chang'an 26 BCE
An Augustan Age in China
Robert Cantwell and the Literary Left
A Northwest Writer Reworks American Fiction
A Principled Stand
The Story of Hirabayashi v. United States