Quagmire Press
Books from this publisher
Halloween Jokes for Kids
Ghost, Ghoul & Zombie Jokes
Haunted Town Halls
From the Case Files of The Searcher Group
Canadian Monsters & Mythical Creatures
Haunted Museums & Galleries of Canada
Haunted Museums & Galleries of Ontario
Crimes of the Heart
Canadian Ghost Stories
Murder & Mayhem
Canadian Ghost Stories
Canada's Greatest Mysteries
Notorious Ontario
Outlaws, Criminals & Gangsters
Prodigal Spy, The
Mysterious Alberta
Myths, Murders, Mysteriese and Legends
Identity Theft in Canada
Outrageous Tales and Prevention Strategies
Mysterious Ontario
Myths, Murders, Mysteries and Legends
Last Moments
Sentenced to Death in Canada
Canada's Most Wanted
Gangs in Canada
Canadian Con Artists
Unsolved Murders of Canada
The Unending Quest to Solve Canada's Unsolved Murders
Fallen Officers
Canadian Police in the Line of Fire
Deadly Canadian Women
The Stories Behind the Crimes of Canada's Most Notorious Women
Wrongfully Convicted
The Innocent in Canada
The Disappeared, Lost or Abducted in Canada