Memorial University Press
Books from this publisher
Extraordinary Passages
Extraordinary Passages
The Life and Times of Margaret Iris Duley, Newfoundland's Pathbreaking Novelist
Berries of Labrador
Archaeology and the Indigenous Peoples of the Maritimes
A History of Inuit Independence in Labrador
Revitalizing PLACE through Social Enterprise
History and Renewal of Labrador's Inuit-Métis
A History of Inuit Independence in Northern Labrador
One Man's Journey
The Mi’kmaw Revival in Ktaqmkuk
Bringing Home Animals, 2nd edition
Mistissini Hunters of Northern Quebec
TautukKonik | Looking Back
Piusigilauttavut Labradoriup Taggâni, 1969–1986 | A Portrait of Inuit Life in Northern Labrador, 1969–1986
Families, Mobility, and Work
On Inuit Cinema | Inuit TakugatsaliuKatiget
Corner Windows and Cul-de-Sacs
The Remarkable Story of Newfoundland's First Garden Suburb
Fishing Measures
A Critique of Desk-Bound Reason
Muskrat Falls
How a Mega Dam Became a Predatory Formation
Strange Terrain
Strange Terrain
The Fairy World in Newfoundland
The Foresters' Scribe
Remembering the Newfoundland Forestry Companies Through the First World War Letters of Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant John A. Barrett
Voices of Inuit Leadership and Self-Determination in Canada
A Long Journey
Residential Schools in Labrador and Newfoundland
Uprooting and Rebuilding Communities in Newfoundland and Labrador and Beyond
Robert Bond
A Political Biography
The Earth is Flat!
An Exposé of the Globularist Hoax
Shaped by Silence
Stories from Inmates of the Good Shepherd Laundries and Reformatories
Creating a University
The Newfoundland Experience
We All Expected to Die
Spanish Influenza in Labrador, 1918-1919
Mistress of the Blue Castle
The Writing Life of Phebe Florence Miller
The Music of Our Burnished Axes
Songs and Stories of the Woods Workers of Newfoundland and Labrador
The Democracy Cookbook
Recipes to Renew Governance in Newfoundland and Labrador
Sweat Equity
Cooperative House-Building in Newfoundland, 1920-1974
An Extraordinary Ordinary Man
The Life Story of Edgar House