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Johns Hopkins University Press

Books from this publisher

Lives of Conifers

A Comparative Account of the Coniferous Trees

by (author) Graham R. Powell

The Death and Afterlife of Achilles

by (author) Jonathan S. Burgess

The Social Behavior of Older Animals

by (author) Anne Innis Dagg

Faces of the Confederacy

An Album of Southern Soldiers and Their Stories

by (author) Ronald S. Coddington
foreword by Michael Fellman

Float Your Boat!

The Evolution and Science of Sailing

by (author) Mark Denny

Becoming Batman

The Possibility of a Superhero

by (author) E. Paul Zehr

The Hidden Adult

Defining Children's Literature

by (author) Perry Nodelman

Psychedelic Psychiatry

LSD from Clinic to Campus

by (author) Erika Dyck

Democracy and the Rise of Women's Movements in Sub-Saharan Africa

by (author) Kathleen M. Fallon

Remembering Home

Rediscovering the Self in Dementia

by (author) Habib Chaudhury

Dressing Modern Frenchwomen

Marketing Haute Couture, 1919-1939

by (author) Mary Lynn Stewart

Biology of the Snapping Turtle (Chelydra serpentina)

edited by Anthony C. Steyermark, Michael S. Finkler & Ronald J. Brooks
foreword by Whit Gibbons

The Corporate Eye

Photography and the Rationalization of American Commercial Culture, 1884-1929

by (author) Elspeth H. Brown

The Rise of Animals

Evolution and Diversification of the Kingdom Animalia

by (author) Mikhail A. Fedonkin, James G. Gehling, Kathleen Grey, Guy M. Narbonne & Patricia Vickers-Rich
foreword by Arthur C. Clarke

Owls of the United States and Canada

A Complete Guide to Their Biology and Behavior

by (author) Wayne Lynch

American Catholics in the Protestant Imagination

Rethinking the Academic Study of Religion

by (author) Michael P. Carroll

Blip, Ping, and Buzz

Making Sense of Radar and Sonar

by (author) Mark Denny


Five Machines That Changed the World

by (author) Mark Denny

Journalists under Fire

The Psychological Hazards of Covering War

by (author) Anthony Feinstein

Staging Governance

Theatrical Imperialism in London, 1770-1800

by (author) Daniel O'Quinn

Marine Mammal Research

Conservation beyond Crisis

edited by John E. Reynolds III, William F. Perrin, Randall R. Reeves & Suzanne Montgomery
by (author) Timothy J. Ragen


Medical and Psychosocial Aspects of Profound Short Stature

by (author) Betty M. Adelson
foreword by Judith G. Hall

The Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism

edited by Michael Groden, Martin Kreiswirth & Imre Szeman

Faces of the Civil War

An Album of Union Soldiers and Their Stories

by (author) Ronald S. Coddington
foreword by Michael Fellman

Speaking for Nature

Women and Ecologies of Early Modern England

by (author) Sylvia Bowerbank

Zones of Instability

Literature, Postcolonialism, and the Nation

by (author) Imre Szeman

The Tradition of the Trojan War in Homer and the Epic Cycle

by (author) Jonathan S. Burgess

Bred for Perfection

Shorthorn Cattle, Collies, and Arabian Horses since 1800

by (author) Margaret E. Derry

Romanticism and Colonial Disease

by (author) Alan Bewell

The Invention of Comfort

Sensibilities and Design in Early Modern Britain and Early America

by (author) John E. Crowley

The Physics of Hockey

by (author) Alain Haché

The Penitente Brotherhood

Patriarchy and Hispano-Catholicism in New Mexico

by (author) Michael P. Carroll

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